Welcome Newcomers to St. Nicholas Greek-Catholic Parish – Bilingual Ukrainian Catholic Church in Edmonton
We are thrilled to welcome you to St. Nicholas Parish, a vibrant and inclusive Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church in Edmonton. Whether you’re a newcomer or visiting for the first time, our community is open to everyone. We understand that attending a new church can be both exciting and unfamiliar, so we’re here to guide you and help you feel at home.
Bilingual Services – English and Ukrainian
At St. Nicholas Parish, we celebrate bilingual services every Sunday at 10:00 AM. Our Divine Liturgy is offered in both English and Ukrainian, making it easy for you to follow along, no matter your language preference. We want to ensure that everyone feels welcome and comfortable in our worship space, whether you’re fluent in English, Ukrainian, or both.
What to Expect – Sunday Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom
Our Sunday service follows the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, a traditional and meaningful liturgy of the Ukrainian Catholic Church. Below is a breakdown of what you can expect during the 10:00 AM service:
- Opening Hymn: We begin with a hymn to unite our voices and hearts in prayer.
- Greetings from the Parish Priest: Our priest warmly welcomes everyone and sets the tone for the service with a prayerful reflection.
- The Liturgy of the Word: This includes:
- Epistle Reading
- Gospel Reading
- Homily (sermon) offering spiritual insight and guidance.
- The Liturgy of the Eucharist: We prepare for the Sacrament of Holy Communion, which is central to our faith.
- Reception of the Eucharist: Those who are properly prepared are invited to receive Holy Communion.
- The Liturgy of Thanksgiving: A time for offering prayers of gratitude.
- Closing Hymn: The service concludes with a hymn, sending us out in peace and fellowship.
Join Our Community
As a Ukrainian Catholic Church in Edmonton, we are committed to fostering a welcoming environment where faith can grow. We invite you not only to worship with us but also to be part of our parish community through prayer, fellowship, and service.
Whether you’re new to the faith, exploring your spiritual path, or seeking a place to deepen your relationship with God, St. Nicholas Parish is here for you. We hope to see you at our bilingual Divine Liturgy this Sunday at 10:00 AM.
Feel free to reach out with any questions before your visit. We look forward to welcoming you to St. Nicholas Parish!
What you will experience in our parish at the Sunday Divine Liturgy
What you will see
The first offering at the beginning of Liturgy is for the lighting of the candles. You may also choose to make your donation and light a candle (to the left and right of the sanctuary) on your own prior to the service.
The second offering after the homily is the regular Sunday donation. As a guest, you are not obligated to make any monetary donation to attend our services. If, however, you wish to do so, coins or bills can be placed directly in the collection basket. If you wish to receive a tax receipt at the end of the year, we ask that you complete and use the offertory envelopes available in the church pews or if you wish to join our parish please ask the ushers for your own set of numbered envelopes.
Epistle Reading
This is a reading from either the Letters of St. Paul or the Acts of the Apostles …. done prior to the Gospel done bilingually by a member or two members of the congregation. We encourage anyone wishing to participate in this activity to contact our parish priest or simply write your name on the existing sheet found in the foyer.
Gospel Reading
This is a reading done bilingually by the priest from either of the four evangelists: Matthew, Mark, Luke or John.
Other Special Activities
Depending on requests by the Parishioners or the Church season, there may be baptisms, commemorations, or blessings that will be done during the Sunday service.
What you will hear
We encourage the whole congregation to actively sing the Liturgy along with our choir. Hymnbooks are available to allow you to join in the Opening, Communion and Closing hymns. Missals or small Dvine Liturgy of the Saint John Chrisostom can be found in all church pews that provide the order of the Sunday Liturgy, allowing the faithful to participate in the service. At the conclusion of the Liturgy, we will often acknowledge those individuals celebrating Birthdays or Anniversaries with the singing of “Mnohaya Lita” (which means Many Years).
Our Liturgy provides for an opportunity to have individuals named for special petitions during the Liturgy. If you know someone who is ill, having surgery, or in need of prayer, or wish to remember someone who has passed away, please write their name on the sheet found in the foyer for these prayer intentions, or just ask greeter where is located. Father will then name these individuals during the Liturgy.
The Lord’s Prayer will be sung in both English and Ukrainian during the Liturgy.
What you are invited to do
- Use a “Divine Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom” missal found in our pews and join the choir in responding to the church service.
- If you have small children, the Children of God Program is available to them in the Children of God classroom.
- Take a church bulletin so that you can be aware of the various upcoming activities at the Parish.
- Join us for coffee and sweets after the Divine Liturgy in our parish foyer. Occasionally, we have a special event in the church and may have a breakfast or dinner meal provided.