Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Edmonton - Visit website

UCWLC, St. Nicholas Branch

The Ukrainian Catholic Women’s League of Canada (UCWLC)

Main aims are:

  1. Catholic Faith:  to develop and enrich the religious and spiritual life of each member in the context of the Ukrainian Catholic Church; its Liturgy, theology, spirituality and its practices and traditions.
  2. Ukrainian Culture: to preserve, promote and develop the Ukrainian heritage, language, culture, traditions and arts.
  3. Social Development (Canadian Citizenship):
    a. to broaden the moral understanding and deepen the sense of civic responsibility among the members;
    b. to initiate and support social action programs, which exemplify Christian ideals and values of justice and love, particularly those related to the sanctity of human life and sacredness of the family.
  4. Charitable Activities: to participate in service to persons and society, in works of mercy for the poor and sic, in works of charity and mutual aid intended to relive human needs of every kind, as well as assistance to groups and communities.

The St. Nicholas branch of the UCWLC has several committees to fulfill the above aims:

  • Spiritual (B. Mandrusiak)
  • Cultural (J. Chrunik-Rudiak)
  • Archives (R. Laskey)
  • Charitable (P. Worger)
  • Outreach (E. Dolynchuk)
  • Organizational
  • Social Development (B. Mandrusiak)
  • Communications and Public Relations (J. Buryn)

Our Executive2018

Executive committee consists of Eleanor Busko, Barb Olynyk and Bernie Mandrusiak who will conduct the duties of president, vice-president and secretary.  Veronica Straty will remain as treasurer and Emmeline Hlushak as the fifth member.  All other members are asked to sign up for at least one event on the sign-up sheet in the church foyer.  The goal is to have each of our 50 members involved in the activities of our branch.
Why join the UCWLC? As the only Ukrainian Catholic organization for laywomen that has branch, eparchial and national levels,

  • we focus on serving and developing our members spiritually and culturally.
  • our members work on social and moral issues that affect the future of our society.
  • we reach out to the poor and underprivileged.
  • we offer friendship and prayer to all our members.

St. Nicholas UCWLC meets as determined by the Executive Committee, except July and August.  For more information about our organization, email Executive Committee, Barb Olynyk,, Eleanor Busko or Bernie Mandrusiak

Want to be part of a friendly, active, and committed group of Ukrainian Catholic women in your parish of the St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Church?  Join the UCWLC. 

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The 38th. Eparchial UCWLC Convention

The 38th. Eparchial UCWLC Convention is taking place on October 20 to 22, 2017.  A draft of the convention program, as well as, a registration form is available on the table in the church vestibule.  Please consider attending the convention either as a voting delegate or a guest.

Registration fees are paid by our Branch.

It is a great opportunity to connect with other members throughout Alberta.

Contact Barb Olynyk if you would like to attend.  Phone 780-462-3432

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Congress Recognizes Outstanding Achievement

Shirley Rudnitski Awarded Honorary Life Member Distinction

By Joyce Chrunik-Rudiak, President, UCWLC, Eparchy of Edmonton, and Jayne L. Buryn, St. Nicholas, Edmonton UCWLC president

At the 25th Congress of the Ukrainian Catholic Women’s League of Canada held on June 30 to July 2 in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Shirley Rudnitski was honored with the league’s Honorary Life Member Award. This is the highest honor bestowed on a UCWLC member.

Throughout many years, Shirley has served at all three levels of the organization. At the UCWLC national executive, Shirley provided her expertise as treasurer from July 1992 to July 1995 and audit committee chair from 2008 to 2010.

At the UCWLC eparchial executive, she served a vice-president from 1995 to 1999, treasurer from 2002 to 2016, and social justice, audit, nominating, and fundraising committees member for numerous years. Shirley is currently the treasurer for the Edmonton eparchial UCWLC executive.

At the St. Nicholas branch level, Shirley effectively fulfilled her roles as

  • president,
  • vice-president,
  • treasurer,
  • member of the organizational and spiritual committees, and
  • internal auditor.

Shirley was founding member and member of the St. Nicholas UCWLC branch for 50 years. On UCWLC League Day in May of this year, Shirley received her 50-year service pin from the branch.

Over many years, Shirley has willingly organized and/or assisted with events undertaken by the organization and the parish, as a whole, including Ukrainian language and dance classes, parish “Daughters of the Blessed Virgin Mary” group, Ukrainian embroidery demonstrations and displays at various venues, Mustard Seed suppers, fundraising projects for Ukraine, such as the mammogram machine and Home of Hope fundraisers. She was, and is, always ready to answer questions concerning financial matters.

In addition to UCWLC work, Shirley served as St. Nicholas Ukrainian Catholic Church Pastoral Council chair, vice-chair, secretary and internal auditor. She compiled the history for the branch 25th Anniversary and for the church directory commemorating the parish’s 50th Anniversary.

As a member of the nominating committee at eparchial and branch levels, she has encouraged members to accept positions that would enrich their lives and use their talents and mentored members in executive positions.

Shirley has also used her talents outside the parish and Ukrainian Catholic communities as a member of Edmonton Prolife organization and advocated against human trafficking, euthanasia and abortion

Shirley has been and continues to work for the league and the parish. The Eparchial UCWLC Executive and all UCLWC members in the Eparchy of Edmonton, extend heartfelt congratulations and thanks to Shirley for her many years of dedicated service to our league.

May God grant you many happy years blessed with good health and at least some time to devote to the UCWLC.

Многая літа!

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St. Nicholas parish celebrates 50 years of UCWLC achievement.

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